Legends of the Autorama
The Legends of the Autorama was created in 1968 to recognize persons who contributed to the success and history of the show. From 1968-1980 there was an average of one inductee per year. Some of these inductees include Paul & Bonnie Lohrey and Dr. Victor Hawkins. There was a nine-year gap until 1989 when Don Tognotti revived The Legends of the Autorama and inducted 11 members that year. Some of those included Sam Barris, Dick Bertolucci & John D’Agostino to name a few. Since that time the Legends have grown to 180 total members. Today inductees are carefully chosen by a committee of dedicated individuals who are committed to making the Legends of the Autorama flourish.
Kevin and Karen Alstott | 2007 |
Ray Antonelli * | 2005 |
Ralph Arias * | 1989 |
Manuel Arteche * | 2000 |
Fra Attolico | 2016 |
Robbie Azevedo | 2007 |
John Babcock | 2004 |
Baggie & Willi Bagdasarian* | 1991 |
Joe Bailon * | 2005 |
George Barris * | 2007 |
Sam Barris * | 1989 |
Brian Basquez | 2004 |
Doug Beattie | 2007 |
Joell Bennett | 2017 |
Richard Berg | 2001 |
Ron Berry | 1996 |
Ron Berry | 2019 |
Dick Bertolucci* | 1989 |
Glenn Black | 2022 |
Alex Blanca* | 2019 |
Michelle Bohannan-Sherer | 2020 |
Chris Bonilla | 2022 |
Scott Bonowski | 2010 |
Jeff Boone | 2002 |
Myrna Bozarth | 2001 |
Ray Bozarth | 1989 |
George Brancacio | 2011 |
Andy Brizio | 2012 |
Roy Brizio | 2012 |
Ronnie Brock * | 2002 |
Dean Bryant* | 2003 |
John Buck | 2016 |
Dave Cahal | 2018 |
Paul Camilleri | 2016 |
Robert Cannon | 2017 |
Bob Cecchini | 1993 |
Marshall Chesrown | 2000 |
Mike Clines | 2010 |
Mike Clougher | 2005 |
Mario Colallilo* | 2012 |
Tom Compton | 2003 |
Steve Contreras | 1996 |
John Cox | 2013 |
Richard Cox | 2019 |
Terry Cox | 2004 |
Joe Cruces | 1998 |
Joe Cusumano | 2016 |
Dan Cyr | 2005 |
John D’Agostino | 1989 |
Frank & Peggy Davidson | 2013 |
Anthony DeFreitas | 2013 |
Rick Dore | 1998 |
Lorenzo Dox Dossena | 2016 |
Bob Dron | 2022 |
David Eckert | 2020 |
Tom Enea | 1998 |
Brian Everett | 1997 |
Dave Fagundes * | 1996 |
Jim Farcello | 1992 |
Calvin Fisk | 2022 |
Dale Fode | 2016 |
Kenny Foster | 2013 |
Steve Frediani | 2007 |
Mickey Galloway | 1998 |
Bill Ganahl | 2023 |
Jerry Garcia | 2017 |
Marcos Garcia | 2015 |
Butch Gardner * | 2001 |
Ed Gardner | 2006 |
Sharon Gardner | 2014 |
Mike Garner | 2012 |
Blackie Gejian * | 1999 |
Bruno Gianoncelli | 2009 |
John Gliebe | 1999 |
Mark Glover | 2006 |
Tony Golati | 1999 |
David Gonzalez | 1992 |
Jack Gormley * | 2000 |
Mike Gray | 2008 |
James Hackley * | 1998 |
Don Hadyaski * | 1998 |
George Hague | 1999 |
Dave Hall | 2002 |
Ken Hamel | 2015 |
Paul & Erik Hansen | 2006 |
Randy Harrison * | 1989 |
Dr. Victor Hawkins | 1971 |
Marc Henry | 2012 |
Jose Heredia | 1995 |
Jeff Hess | 2023 |
James Hetfield | 2011 |
Wild Bill Hill | 2016 |
Justin Hills | 2014 |
Art Himsl | 2010 |
Darryl Hollenbeck | 2014 |
Don Honstein | 2014 |
Elmer Hubacher * | 1989 |
Jerry Jacobs | 2022 |
Dik Katayangi * | 1998 |
Tim Kerrigan | 2020 |
Jack Kiely | 2017 |
Darold Kohout | 2003 |
Lynn Kohout | 2020 |
David Kornell | 2014 |
Tom Kowalski | 2007 |
JF Launier | 2010 |
Tad Leach | 2019 |
Howdy Ledbetter | 1999 |
Ken Legree | 1989 |
Rich Lindgren | 2022 |
Al Lindstrom | 2001 |
Frank Livingston | 1994 |
Kathy Livingston | 2012 |
Jerry Logan | 2017 |
Bonnie Lohrey * | 1974 |
Paul Lohrey * | 1970 |
Tim Lohrey | 2011 |
Richard Long | 2003 |
Leonard Lopez | 1998 |
Gil Losi | 2017 |
Larry Martin | 2005 |
Tom Martin* | 1998 |
Gary Matranga | 2003 |
Clifford Mattis | 2019 |
Michael McAuliffe | 2018 |
Mike McMillan * | 1999 |
Jim McNarnara | 1989 |
Mac McNeal | 1998 |
Bud Millard | 2003 |
Roger Mitchell | 2002 |
Bob Moore | 2005 |
James Moore | 2014 |
Jojo Mosesian | 1968 |
Scott Mugford | 2017 |
Laura Murphy | 2019 |
Jamie Musselman | 1989 |
Ken Nannenhorn | 1979 |
Jeff Norene | 2011 |
Leland Norene * | 2000 |
Rico Novachick | 2015 |
Tom Nye | 2023 |
Harold Olsen * | 1991 |
Tom Pagano | 2019 |
Ed Papac | 1980 |
Roger Pedersen | 2011 |
John Peelman | 2000 |
Deana Perritt | 2023 |
Rick Perry * | 1996 |
Gary Peter * | 1999 |
Rich & Penny Pichette | 2017 |
Steve Pierce | 2020 |
Dick Plamondon | 2005 |
Cookie Pool | 2004 |
Dave Putnam | 2015 |
David Pygeorge | 1999 |
Isie Quistian | 2010 |
Ken Reister | 2007 |
Bruce Ricks | 2013 |
Bill Roach | 1973 |
Rex Roden | 2022 |
Nick Rogers | 2014 |
Bryan Rusk | 2020 |
Rich Santana | 2020 |
Tim Savage | 1993 |
Paul Schramer | 1977 |
Greg Selvidge | 1997 |
Paul Shaugnessy | 2013 |
Todd Sizemore | 2015 |
Charles Spencer | 2015 |
K.C. Spurlock | 1994 |
Jason Standley | 2022 |
Tom Stephens | 2011 |
Troy & Lois Summers | 2006 |
John Thompson | 2015 |
Joe Ticer | 2010 |
Don Tognotti * | 1990 |
Val & Gar Tompkins | 2000 |
Ron Valiquette | 2009 |
Tom Van Steyn | 2022 |
Andre Vendzuhs | 1999 |
Ray Von Uhlit * | 2006 |
Jack Walker | 1989 |
Greg Wall | 2018 |
Bruce Wanta | 2018 |
Bud Warner | 2010 |
Oz Welch | 2009 |
Bill West | 2012 |
Jack White | 2001 |
Gene Winfield | 2007 |
Linda Winther | 2022 |
Robert Wolf | 2005 |
Jason Wolrath | 2014 |
Ben York, Jr. | 2007 |
Ben York, Sr. | 2018 |
Richard Zocchi * | 1998 |
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